Recent Posts by admin

J. Law, Victoria Justice, Ariana Grande and You

Beware of the betrayal!  All of these women either had naked pictures of themselves on their phones they had shared in confidence or were planning on sexting with someone. The hackers who stole their pictures have violated a privacy we all would like to think exists.  The pictures were most likely meant for eyes that…
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Time Management

Time management is a big factor in college success. It can be overwhelming to think about, but once you organize your time realistically (that’s the key!), you will feel like everything you need to accomplish can be done in a reasonable amount of time. If you think of all the assignments from all of your…
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Staying Positive

I know how hard it can be to stay positive when you are feeling sad, anxious or stressed. It is the last thing on your mind. You are so focused on the situation or person that has brought you down you cannot see anything else. You cannot think about a way out. You only feel…
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It is human nature to push the limits with people and situations. Many times people don’t know what it means to have boundaries. They don’t know where the line is and they don’t know how to keep others from crossing their own. Setting a boundary with others - You need to set a boundary so…
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