Time Management

Time management is a big factor in college success. It can be overwhelming to think about, but once you organize your time realistically (that’s the key!), you will feel like everything you need to accomplish can be done in a reasonable amount of time.

If you think of all the assignments from all of your classes, sport commitments or activities, as well as making time for fun or friends you may start to hyperventilate! How will you manage it all? How will there be time for sleeping or eating or anything! BREATHE!!!

The most important part of time management is to set realistic times and small goals. If you break things down into manageable parts, they become much less stressful and anxiety-producing. Start with a calendar, usually a paper one so you can see everything at once. You don’t have to buy a calendar. There are many free websites that you can print them from. When we get down to the daily or weekly goals, you can use your phone as your calendar and for reminders.

  • Your work space needs to be clean and neat, so this may be the first part of your organization before you manage your time. Clutter and stuff everywhere is distracting.
  • Write down all of your assignments due in the current month. If you want to be very organized, you can do each month of the semester.
  • Set goals of when you will work on the assignments/study for tests on a weekly basis, either using the same calendar or your phone.
  • Add in time for classes, meals, friends, and activities.
  • Add in for exercise and/or sports if you are on a team and have practices or games.
  • Spend up to 30 minutes (however long you need) each morning to organize your day and what it will entail with a “to do” list. Prioritize the list so the most important things get done first.
  • BE REALISTIC with your time. Allow for social media distractions, friends visiting or watching a show you like.
  • If you are studying or working on an assignment, turn off your phone so you will not be distracted.
  • You don’t need to schedule every moment and you need to be flexible! Things like sickness or unexpected situations come up so don’t get anxious if haven’t stuck to your schedule for a day or a few. You can always go back and change it.
  • Nothing is permanent. If the schedule you made isn’t working, start again. It is to make your time more manageable, not to make you stressed!

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